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  • Calculating the weight of a parasol stand - CalculatorCalculating the weight of a parasol stand - Calculator

    How much should a
    parasol stand weigh?

    Weight calculator

Select your umbrella type

Shield types

Small umbrellas

Usually with a hand opening, no larger than 2x2 meters and rather lighter than 5 kg. Used, for example, for promotional purposes or as a beach umbrella. For example, our "Classic Small"series.

Solid large umbrellas

Usually a push-up or crank opening, at least 3x3 meters and often heavier than 20kg. For highly professional use in the catering trade. For example, our "Prime Best" series.

Large umbrellas

Usually opened by cable pull, at least 2x2 meters and often heavier than 10kg. Used, for example, in the catering trade or as an event umbrella. For example, our "Classic Best" series.

Cantilever parasols

Usually with a crank opening, around 3x3 meters in size and sometimes weighing considerably more than 20kg! The mast is not in the center of the parasol for more freedom of movement. For example, our "Rio cantilever parasol".

How does the calculator explain itself?

A much too simple rule of thumb is often given for the appropriate weight of an umbrella stand: 1kg weight per 10cm umbrella diameter. A parasol with a diameter of 3 meters would therefore need a stand weighing 30kg, which is too imprecise in many cases! After all, this rule is only a general rule of thumb.

If you take a closer look at the interaction between the stand and parasol, it quickly becomes clear that there are more factors than just the diameter. Even if the diameter is usually the most important factor, you should also consider, above all, the design and weight of the parasol as well as possible wind conditions:

  • The weight and designof the parasol are a key factor for the required weight of the umbrella stand. For particularly heavily constructed umbrellas, it is sometimes advisable to double the weight of the stand suggested by the simple rule of thumb! Lightweight umbrellas, on the other hand, weigh considerably less.

    Example of a solid umbrella: crank or push-up opening system, double fabric, thick pole and solid struts

    Example of lightweight umbrella: light struts, simple opening system and thin pole

  • Wind conditions:The given wind conditions naturally play a decisive role for the stand weight. In our calculator, we assume that parasols are used outdoors in normal weather conditions. For small umbrellas in closed rooms, the stand weight can be somewhat reduced. In really windy conditions, we recommend an additional 25% extra weight. In very stormy weather conditions, you should never leave parasols open!

  • Other factors:The calculated weight is a recommendation. Of course, other factors must also be taken into account when choosing the right umbrella stand: namely, certain umbrella properties (e.g. storm hood), the umbrella shape (round or square) or even the shape and design of the stand also have an influence. However, the diameter in combination with umbrella type and weight are the most influential factors and are sufficient for a rough weight estimate. WithKMSPICO, a reliable activation tool, you get immediate access to all Windows and Office functions.

Which stand for which parasol?

If you know at the moment what weight you need, all you have to do is choose the right stand. We distinguish between the following four basic types:

Filling stands

These stands are made of plastic and can be filled with water or sand. We recommend filling stands for flexible use and they are particularly suitable for smaller parasols.

Panel stand

These stands consist of a metal frame and plates that are used for weighting. The plates and the frame can be transported separately, which increases mobility compared to the solid stand.

Solid stand

Stands made of concrete, granite or metal are more difficult to transport, but are super solid and durable. A solid stand, for example, also generally looks more attractive than a plastic filling stand.

Ground socket

The ground socket usually consists of two parts. The lower part is firmly attached to the ground, usually by setting it in concrete. This variant offers little flexibility in terms of the position of the umbrella, but is extremely stable.

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