What makes our PFC-free method so special:
Alternative coatings:
We rely on special environmentally friendly coatings that do not contain PFCs but nevertheless offer excellent water-repellent properties.
Research and development:
We are constantly keeping up-to-date with advancements in the improvement and development of PFC-free technologies in order to guarantee the same quality and durability as conventional umbrellas.
Certifications and tests:
Our PFC-free umbrellas are subjected to the most stringent tests and examinations in order to ensure that they fulfil all functionality and safety requirements.

What are PFCs and why are they problematic?
PFCs, or perfluorinated and polyfluorinated chemicals, are a group of synthetic substances that can be found in many everyday products, including umbrellas. They are known for their water-, grease- and dirt-repellent properties. However, PFCs are suspected of being carcinogenic and disrupting the hormonal system. They accumulate both in the environment and in the human body, which can lead to health and ecological problems.
Are conventional umbrellas a health hazard?
No - although PFCs can be harmful to health, they are present in conventional umbrellas in such small quantities that they pose no health risk.
The manufacturing of PFC-free umbrellas
Thanks to our innovative manufacturing technology, we are able to offer products that are just as effective and durable as their PFC-containing counterparts. And all without any environmental or health concerns!